Tuesday 14th June 2018
The service was momentarily down to fix some problems. The service has now been restored.
Tuesday 24th October to Thursday 2nd November 2017
Due to cluster maintenance tasks, this server will be down during the shown dates. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Wednesday 30th August 2017
The service was momentarily down due to maintenance tasks. The service has now been restored.
Tuesday 1st August 2017
The service was momentarily down due to maintenance tasks. The service has now been restored.
Monday 24th July 2017
The server is back to normal operation.
Wednesday 1st March 2017 to Monday 24th July 2017
Due to installation of the new BSC supercomputer, Marenostrum IV, the server will be unavailable from March 1st to July 24th, 2017. Please, make sure that all your jobs finish before March 1st and that you download all your needed files, since login will be unavailable during the maintenance period.
Wednesday 30th January 2017
The service was momentarily down to fix some problems. The service has now been restored.
Wednesday 18th January 2017
There has been a problem with the cluster this morning, which may have affected running jobs. The service has now been restored.
Wednesday 2nd November 2016
There is a new policy, effective from now, requiring a user to be registered in order to submit jobs.
The server will be under maintenance today, so it may become unavailable at some times. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Monday 31st October 2016
The server will be under maintenance today, so it may become unavailable at some times. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Tuesday 25th October 2016
There is a new policy effective from now for commercial users of the server. See "Terms of Use" section.
Thursday 18th August 2016
The server may show some instability in the following days due to some hardware problems that are being fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
16th to 18th August 2016
The computing cluster will not be available for a few days. We will resume the service as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.
24th to 29th March 2016
Due to maintenance tasks, the server may be down during the indicated days; we will resume the service as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thursday 21st January 2016
Due to maintenance tasks, the server will be down during that day; we will resume the service as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.
20th to 22th November 2015
Due to maintenance tasks, the server will be down this weekend. Sorry for any inconvenience.
6th to 8th November 2015
Due to maintenance tasks, the server will be down this weekend. Sorry for any inconvenience.
24th and 25th October 2015
Due to maintenance tasks, the server will be down this weekend. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Monday 03rd August 2015
Due to maintenance tasks, the server will be down from 1:00 PM of today until 9:00 AM of Wednesday 5th (Spanish time, GMT +2). Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thurday 05th March 2015
Due to some electrical maintenance, the server will be down from 6:00 PM until 9:00 AM of Friday 6th (Spanish hours, GMT +1). Sorry about all inconveniences.
Friday 09th Janurary 2015
Simulations unable to be performed due some problems with the air conditioning system of the compute cluster. These problems are expected to be solved during the last week of January 2015, or first of February. Sorry about all inconveniences.
Thursday 30th Janurary 2014
The new schedule to have the compute cluster fully operational is for the second week of February (9th-14th). Sorry about all inconveniences.
Wednesday 15th January 2014
The problem with the refrigeration system of the compute cluster's room is expected to be solved during the last week of January 2014. Sorry about all inconveniences.
Thursday 9th of January 2014
We expect to have the compute cluster online during the next week. Sorry about all inconveniences.
Monday 6th of January 2014
Due to some problem in refrigeration system of our compute cluster, the service is not available for the time being. As soon as we have any update on this issue we will inform you. Sorry about all inconveniences.
Monday 16th of September 2013
Due to some maintenance tasks on our cluster, the PELE Web Server will be in maintenance mode starting 11:00 on Wednesday September the 18th till 11:00 on Thursday September the 19th. Thank you for your understanding and sorry about all inconveniences.
Monday 2th of September 2013
Because of some changes to the database schema, the PELE Web Server is not available till 18:00. Sorry about all inconvenieces.
Monday 5th of August 2013
Due to some maintenance tasks on our cluster, the PELE Web Server will be in maintenance mode starting 08:00 on Monday August the 5th till 15:00 on Thursday August the 8th. Thank you for your understanding and sorry about all inconveniences.
Tuesday 2th of July 2013
Server will be in maintenance mode starting Wednesday 3th of July till Saturday 6th of July. Sorry about all inconveniences!
Thursday 11th of April 2013
Version is now available. The highlighted feature of this version is the automatic page refresh while the simulation is progressing. The 'Ligand migration' ready-made script was also implemented. As always, there are other new features and bug fixes that you can find the complete list here.
Tuesday 5th of Febraury 2013
Version is now available. One important change is that now it is possible to submit a job without having any login account. The submitted jobs can be tracked using bookmark mechanism. Another nice feature is the real-time generation of interactive chart while the job is running. There are also lots of changes, features and bug fixes that are listed here.
Tuesday 4th of January 2012
We have finally Version of the PELE Web Server ready for use. You may consider it as a new year gift! You can find more information about changes in this release here.
Wednesday 2nd of May 2012
The process of upgrading server will take a little bit longer till the 10th of May. During this time only admins can login.
Tuesday 17th of April 2012
Server is in maintanence mode till the end of April for impelementing a new backend server. During this time only admins can login. Sorry about all inconveniences!
Thursday 24th of November 2011
Version with lots of enhancements was released. You can find more information about changes in this release here.
Monday 3rd of October 2011
The PELE Web Server goes public!